An Hour From Paris is a pocket-sized guide to 20 rewarding daytrips from Paris within an hour by train, many of them unknown to most Parisians, let alone tourists.
It includes the essential historical context for each visit, specially-drawn local maps, original photos, helpful practical tips and a unique guide to using the excellent local train network.
Discover half-hidden châteaux and artists’ country houses
Go walking, boating and dancing by the river
Explore old towns and country footpaths
Eat in family-run restaurants with 1950s decor and prices to match

What readers are saying about the short daytrips from Paris by train revealed in this book:
Bill Bryson
“Ground-breaking work”
Anthony Sattin, Sunday Times
“A kind of Ile de France profonde”
John Lichfield, Independent
“The most exciting travel guide I’ve read in years”
Jesse Kornbluth, Huffington Post
“A classic”
Galignani’s bookshop, Paris
“It really enriched our lives in Paris…thank you for producing such a wonderful book.”
N. Hashmi, British Embassy, Paris
“Your book sounded too good to be true, but far surpassed my expectations”
R. Jones, USA
“Guidebooks are often walk-based, but somehow uninviting. Yours is the opposite, so good in all its detail. Thanks for giving a lot of pleasure.”
T. Powell, UK
“I feel that this is one of the most rewarding guidebooks I have ever found and I highly recommend it.”
Zoecat, USA, readers’ forum, www.slowtravel.com
“This is the best thought out book on the subject I have come across. I’ve been looking for a book exactly as this one is written.”
B. Fields, USA